Those who draw the same rank, draw again. Those who draw the two highest cards play against the other two players. Only in determining partners is the ace considered low. Game is played to a predetermined number of points, usually 5, 7, or 10.ĭealing: Players draw cards to set pairs and decide the dealer. If lone hand wins three or four tricks, 1 pointĭeclaring side euchred (wins fewer than three tricks), opponents score, 2 points Euchre is also played with 24 cards (7s and 8s omitted), 28 cards (7s omitted), or with one joker added.ĭeclaring side wins three or four tricks, 1 pointĭeclaring side wins five tricks (a march), 2 points For trump, the jack (called the right bower) is high, and the jack of the same color (the left bower) is the second-highest trump. Cards rank as follows: A (high)-K-Q-J-10-9-8-7, except in the trump suit. Special Euchre decks are available, a Bezique deck can be used, or you may simply set aside the 2s through 6s of all suits in a standard deck. The cards: A 32-card deck, 7s through aces for each suit, is used. Object: To score points by winning at least three of five tricks. There are also two- and three-handed versions. A hundred years ago in America, it had plenty of devotees and was considered our national card game. Euchre is a card game that is thought to have descended from a popular 16th century game named Triomphe.